A Bigger View Of Jesus [VIDEO]

In Sunday’s sermon, Nigel quoted the Puritan preacher, Richard Sibbes, who said this:

“Heaven is not heaven without Christ.  It is better to be in any place with Christ than to be in heaven itself without him.  All delicacies without Christ are but as a funeral banquet.  Where the master of the feast is away, there is nothing but solemnness.  What is all without Christ?  I say the joys of heaven are not the joys of heaven without Christ; he is the very heaven of heaven.”

Nigel encouraged us to replace our fears with a bigger view of Jesus.

But this raises the question… how do I do that?  How can I have a bigger view of Jesus?

There’s no easy answer.  But one very important part of it is to think about Jesus.  To fill our minds with who He is and what He’s done for us.  Not to simply skim over the gospel in a yeah-yeah-we-all-know-that sort of way.  But to linger over it and consider Jesus more deeply.

How often do we skip to the part where we’re told what to do rather than simply dwell on the person of Jesus?  How regularly do we have conversations where we discuss Christ and delight in Him together?

To help us do that, watch the following video.  It’s just under 20 minutes long, so why not set some time aside this week to listen to it.  It’s John Piper passionately speaking about the supremacy of Christ, set to music.  Listing many many things about Jesus to raise our estimations of this God we love.  I found it very moving and it drew me to worship Jesus even more.  I recommend it to you.

“We were made to know this massive Christ!”

Oh that we’d think about Jesus this way, so that we’d love and fear Him above all!